"One is filled with profound admiration, and cannot but ask what has become of this powerful race, so civilized, so enlightened, the authors of these gigantic works? One of these temples a rival to the temple of Solomon...It is grander than anything left to us by Greece or Rome and represents a sad contrast to the state of barbarism in which the nation is now plunged." Pierre Mouhot, 1860

  1. Enfilade 60x48 2007 conte crayon on paper
  2. Angkor #1 60x60 2007 conte crayon on paper
  3. Tonle Sap #2 60x60 2007 conte crayon on paper
  4. Apsaras On The Balcony (Renakse Hotel) 60x46 2007 conte crayon on paper
  5. Preah Rup #1 60x60 2007 conte crayon on paper
  6. Bayon #2 60x60 2007 conte crayon on paper
  7. Preah Rup #2 88x60 2007 conte crayon on paper
  8. Puzzle (Bayon #1) 40x40 2007 conte crayon on paper
  9. Sambo 40x40 2007 conte crayon on paper
  10. Tonle Sap #1 40x40 2007 conte crayon on paper
  11. Banteay Srei 40x40 2007 conte crayon on paper